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4rd Poznań Veterinary Forum - “The health of cattle and pigs”

Poznań – 19-22.03.2015 r.

 lectures – PIGS  20.03.2015  lectures will be translated

8.00-9.00 The registration of participants

Guests and participants welcoming and Forum opening  -  Aleksander Skoracki


Session I         Session chairman – Tomasz Stadejek

9.15-10.00 Zygmunt Pejsak - ASF – the current situation and threats

Dominiek Maes - A critical reflection on intensive pig production regarding health and biosecurity

10.40-11.00 Marlijn Klinkenberg - Sustainable intensive pig and poultry production “an integrated and multi-factorial approach”
11.00-11.15 Discussion
11.15-12.00  Coffee break with opportunity to visit exhibitors’ offer

Session II        Session chairman – Jolanta Budzyk

12.00-12.30 Tanja Opriessnig - Update on PCV2: Emerging strains and efficacy of current vaccines
12.30-13.00 Verena Gotter - Suckling piglet enteric disease - causes, diagnostics, prevention
13.00-13.15 Christina Wald - PCV2, M.hyo - the latest information on vaccination protocols
13.15-14.00 Kyoung Jin Yoon - Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea: U.S. experience and research understanding of the disease and control
14.00-14.15 Discussion
14.15-15.30 Lunch break and opportunity to visit exhibitors’ offer

Session III       Session chairman – Zygmunt Pejsak


Cinta Prieto Suárez - Immune Response against PRRSV: implications for protection?

16.15-17.00 Laura Batista - PRRS, PED PCV2, and SIV: how can we improve our support to the swine industry
17.00-17:30 Tomasz Stadejek - Chosen current aspects and topics from the international pig health conferences
17.30-17.45 Discussion
17.45-18.00 Conclusions after first Day of Forum – Zygmunt Pejsak
19.00 Social evening

 lectures - CATTLE    21.03.2015   lectures will be translated
8.00-9.00 The registration of participants
9.00-9.15 Guests and participants welcoming  - Aleksander Skoracki
Session I         Session chairman - Lesław Szabłoński
9.15-10.00 Marek Pirsztuk - Aktualna sytuacja odnośnie występowania IBR (BHV1) u bydła i ewentualne plany wprowadzenia zwalczania tej choroby na terenie kraju
The current situation regarding the occurrence of IBR (BHV1) in cattle and plans to implement a program to combat the disease in Poland
10.00-11.00 Krzysztof Niemczuk - Gorączka Q - występowanie w stadach krów mlecznych w kraju, diagnostyka i postępowanie lekarsko-weterynaryjne

Q fever - etiology, epidemiology and diagnosis

11.00-11.15 Discussion
11.15-12.00 Coffee break with opportunity to visit exhibitors’ offer
  Session II        Session chairman - Aleksander Skoracki
12.00-13.00 Hans-Jürgen Kunz - Metabolische Programmierung - die Auswirkungen der Kälber- und Färsenfütterung von auf zukünftige Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit von Milchkühen - Empfehlungen auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse von sechsjährigen Versuchen
Metabolic programming - the impact of feeding calves and heifers on subsequent health and productivity of dairy cows - recommendations based on the results of six years of experience
13.00-13.20 Marian Kamyczek - Efekty stosowania probiotyków w żywieniu cieląt

The effects of probiotics in feeding calves

13.20-14.00 Marek Gehrke - Praktyczne aspekty profilaktyki hipokalcemii w okresie okołoporodowym u krów
Practical aspects of prevention of hypocalcemia of the periparturient cow
14.00-14.15 Discussion
14.15-15.30 Lunch break and opportunity to visit exhibitors’ offer
  Session III       Session chairman - Jędrzej Jaśkowski
15.30-16.30 Olivier Salat - Reproductive management of dairy herds: my practitioner’s experience of 20 years of follow-up of reproduction
16.30-17:30 Martina Hoedemaker - Mastitis as  a herd problem – factors and analysis of udder health
17.30-17.45 Discussion
17.45-18.00 Conclusions after second Day of Forum - Jędrzej Jaśkowski
WORKSHOPS - PIGS 19.03.2015 workshops will be translated
9.00-12.00 Miquel Collell - Control of rearing conditions - the environment - the role of gases and how the environment affects pigs - natural and mechanical ventilation
13.00-14.30 Verena Gotter  - Ferkeldurchfall - Sektion, Labordiagnostik, Interpretation der Ergebnisse

Piglets diarrhea - Section, Laboratory diagnosis and interpretation of results

15.30-17.00 Paweł Kwarciany - Metodologia poubojowej oceny płuc w aspekcie M.Hyo oraz APP, zastosowanie zapisu w Ceva Lung Program

The methodology of evaluation of post-mortem lung in APP and M.Hyo aspect, the use of Ceva Lung Program

 WORKSHOPS - CATTLE  22.03.2015  workshops will be translated

Martina Hoedemaker - Darstellen und Besprechen von kritischen Punkten, die Einfluss auf das Erhalten der Eutergesundheit haben (Fütterung, Haltungsbedingungen, Melken) 

Presentation and discussion of the critical points affecting the maintenance of a health of udder (nutrition, conditions of living, milking)

Wojciech Rękawek - Obsługa i możliwości zastosowania ultrasonografu w diagnostyce bydła - zabezpieczenie sprzętowe Firma Dramiński

Use and Handling of ultrasound in the diagnosis of cattle - Hardware support Company Dramiński


 Aleksander Skoracki - Repozycja i fiksacja lewostronnie przemieszczonego trawieńca metodą laparoskopową wg Janowitza w modyfikacji Christiansena

Reposition and fixation of the left side displaced abomasum using the laparoscopic method modified  by Christiansen